Various Talent Needed for Real Estate Commercial- Alpharetta, GA
Seeking Talent for 6 hour shoot Wednesday, March 6th, shooting in Alparetta. Comp $200
Client | Mark Spain Real Estate
Project | Commercials for MSRE
We are looking for talent who are endearing, expressive, interesting (dimples, curly hair, glasses, etc.) and are comfortable speaking (** notes roles with a few lines...we will share the scripts prior to filming)
African American family
1.) Dad late 30s-mid 40s**
2.) Mom late 30s-mid 40s**
3.) Boy (child) 8-10 years old
4.) Girl (child) 8-10 years old
White couple
5.) Husband 35-45ish years old**
6.) Wife 35-45ish years old**
White (or racially ambiguous) couple
7.) Husband 35-45ish years old
8.) Wife 35-45ish years old
If interested in any of the roles please send head shot and resume to with the role you're submitting for in the subject lines. Families as well as single submissions welcome.
Thank you!